
Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Tahukah anda?
Pola makan daging dapat merusak keseimbangan planet kita. Berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang berhubungan dengan kerusakan alam yang ditimbulkan oleh pola makan daging.
Pemborosan Sumber Daya Alam.
Di A.S. (Amerika Serikat), hewan ternak menghabiskan 70% (persen) dari hasil jagung, gandum, dan padi-padian yang ada. Peternakan sapi di seluruh dunia telah menghabiskan makanan yang cukup untuk dikonsumsi oleh 8,7 miliar orang—lebih dari polulasi seluruh umat manusia di Bumi. Kelaparan dunia tidak seharusnya terjadi apabila kita semua bervegetarian.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Pengaruh bahan organik terhadap kesuburan kimia tanah antara lain terhadap kapasitas pertukaran kation, kapasitas pertukaran anion, pH tanah, daya sangga tanah dan terhadap keharaan tanah. Penambahan bahan organik akan meningkatkan muatan negatif sehingga akan meningkatkan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK).
Bahan organik memberikan konstribusi yang nyata terhadap KTK tanah. Sekitar 20-70 % kapasitas tukar tanah pada umumnya bersumber pada koloid humus (contoh: Molisol), sehingga terdapat korelasi antara bahan organik dengan KTK tanah (Stevenson, 1982). Kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) menunjukkan kemampuan tanah untuk menahan kation-kation dan mempertukarkan kation-kation tersebut termasuk kation hara tanaman. Kapasitas tukar kation penting untuk kesuburan tanah.

Friday, July 20, 2018


The atmosphere is an important resource for the survival of all species on the planet, as a source of fresh air for breathing and as a protective layer against direct solar radiation. The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78.084 percent nitrogen, 20.948 percent oxygen, 0.934 percent argon, 0.031 percent carbon dioxide, and 0.003 percent trace gases such as water vapor and air pollutants. The analysis of air bubbles trapped in ice cores provides evidence that the contents of so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, sulfate, and carbonaceous aerosols, have significantly increased over the past 200 years. This historic change of the atmospheric composition is not fully understood, but it has roots in natural processes and human activity. As a result, both roles of the atmosphere are affected. First, the increase of greenhouse gases contributes to the increase in the amount of solar radiative energy trapped at the Earth’s boundaries, which directly affects the planetary climate. Second, the composition of atmospheric air, particularly the air pollutants, strongly affects the human and environmental health.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


The Economic Impacts of climate change are the net costs or benefts from such climatic change on the global economy relative to a prior world with constant climate. Economic impacts are usually measured relative to a pre-industrial average climate (1750–1850). Climate change will directly and indirectly aect people’s lives, the physical environment, as well as the economic growth of developing and developed countries. The economically most signifcant physical changes brought on by climate change are shifted temperature, rainfall, and radiation patterns, because these factors serve as inputs to production and aect human well-being directly or indirectly through socioeconomic and ecological systems. The largest eects are likely to occur through impacts on the global water balance, the food production system, human health, land, and ecosystems. In addition to gradual changes in the geographic distribution of temperature and rainfall, extreme and catastrophic events occurring with greater frequency are expected to cause much damage. Economic impacts of climate change are also predicted to dier greatly between developing and developed countries.


Thursday, July 5, 2018


Sebuah perusahaan makanan setidaknya mempunyai tiga insentif untuk menanggapi risiko dan peluang pada industri makanan secara umum. Insentif pertama adalah perusahaan makanan telah rugi akibat bencana iklim, jadi kepentingan perusahaan itu sendiri bisa dilindungi dengan memperlambat perubahan iklim. Di daerah-daerah yang terlanda, bencana iklim bisa diperkirakan tidak hanya mengurangi pasar industri makanan, tetapi juga merusak prasarana dan kemampuannya untuk beroperasi. Sebagai contoh, semua resiko ini terjadi di wilayah New Orleans pada tahun 2005 karena badai Katrina, ketika perusahaan Whole Foods Market melaporkan kerugian sebesar US$16,5 juta pada tahun itu karena toko-tokonya rusak dan tutup di wilayah New Orleans, tidak ada penjualan, dan harus memperbaiki toko-toko yang rusak itu. Risiko seperti ini akan diperburuk oleh bencana iklim ekstrem di kemudian hari, yang kejadiannya dan kekuatannya diperkirakan akan meningkat di seluruh dunia.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Ancaman utama dari perubahan iklim adalah pertumbuhan populasi manusia, yang diperkirakan sekitar 35 persen antara tahun 2006 hingga 2050. Dalam periode yang sama, FAO memproyeksikan bahwa jumlah peternakan di seluruh dunia akan meningkat dua kali lipat, sehingga emisi GRK terkait peternakan juga akan meningkat kurang lebih dua kali lipat (atau meningkat sedikit lebih kecil bila semua rekomendasi FAO diterapkan sepenuhnya), sementara secara luas diharapkan bahwa GRK dari industri-industri lain akan turun. Hal ini akan menyebabkan jumlah emisi terkait peternakan bahkan lebih tidak dapat diterima dibandingkan tingkat saat ini yang sudah membahayakan. Hal ini juga berarti bahwa strategi yang efektif harus melibatkan penggantian produk peternakan dengan alternatif yang lebih baik, alih-alih hanya mengganti satu produk daging dengan produk daging lainnya yang dianggap lebih rendah jejak karbonnya.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


The best way to avoid the environmental problems of solid waste disposal is to desist from generating wastes in the frst instance. Pollution prevention programs aimed at this objective have become widespread. Recycling and reuse of materials are ways to avoid waste generation. At the residential level recycling programs for newspapers, glass, and metal containers have been implemented. However, some municipal programs have been criticized for increasing environmental emissions of air pollutants from the fuel combustion.
The ultimate land disposal methods used for municipal solid wastes are land flling, land farming, and deep well injection. Land flling of solid wastes involves the controlled disposal of solid wastes on or in the upper layer of the Earth’s mantle, which has been excavated to a depth of about 13 ft. (4 m.). When solid wastes are placed in sanitary landflls, biological, chemical, and physical processes occur. Biological decay of organic materials occurs by either aerobic or anaerobic processes, resulting in the evolution of gases or liquids. The chemical oxidation of waste materials occurs, dissolving and leaching of organic and inorganic materials by water and leachate moving through the fll also occur.


Merupakan suatu keniscayaan bahwa kebutuhanakan listrik di Indonesia khususnya di Bali semakin hari semakin berkembang dan menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari, yang seiring dengan pesatnya pembangunan di bidang teknologi, industri dan informasi. Namun pada kenyataannya di lapangan, penyediaan akan energi listrik yang dilakukanoleh PT. PLN (Persero), selaku lembaga resmi yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah untuk mengelola masalah kelistrikan di Indonesia, sampai saat ini masih belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan energi listrik secara maksimal.

Friday, June 15, 2018


Litter is waste material dumped in public places such as streets, parks, picnic areas, bus stops, and near shops.The accumulation of waste threatens the health of people in residential areas. Waste decays, encourages household pests, and turns urban areas into unsightly, dirty, and unhealthy places to live in. The following measures can be used to control land pollution. Antilitter campaigns can educate people against littering, organic waste can be dumped in places far from residential areas, and inorganic materials such as metals, glass, paper, and plastic can be reclaimed and recycled.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Solar energy refers to forms of energy emitted by the sun, including light, radio waves, and x-rays. Accounting for 99.8 percent of the mass in our solar system, the sun is a self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction by which hydrogen is converted to helium. Every second, the sun converts over 4 million metric tons of matter into solar energy. This matter is converted and released from the sun in the form of radiation waves that travel through the void of space and eventually reach earth. The radiant energy that eventually reaches the earth’s surface is estimated around 1,000 watts per sq. m. The sun is similar to a fusion reactor that emits 3,800 million, million, million, million watts of energy each second, which is 20,000 times the energy requirement of the world.