Showing posts with label Pencemaran Lingkungan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pencemaran Lingkungan. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Tiga pendeketan utama untuk mendefinisikan limbah berbahaya yaitu (1) sebuah diskripsi kualitatif pada asalnya, tipe, dan pendukungnya, (2) klasifikasi dengan dasar karaktristik terutama bedasarkanprosedurtes, dan (3) dengan cara konsentrasi zat-zat spesifik yang berbahaya. Limbah digolongkan menurut tipe umum, misalnya”spent halogenated solvents” atau pelarut terhalogenasi atau oleh sumber-sumber industry misalnya “pickingliquor from steel manufacturing”atau mendapat cairan dari industry manufaktur baja.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


JPMorgan Chase was also the top banker over the past three years of three spotlight oil and gas subsectors: Arctic oil and gas, ultra-deepwater oil and gas, and LNG. Our research shows an uptick in overall bank financing for Arctic oil and gas last year, which is worrisome considering the Trump regime’s attempts to open up the Arctic Refuge for drilling, as described on page 38. JPMorgan Chase is the biggest banker of Arctic oil and gas by a long shot, followed by Deutsche Bank and SMBC Group.


In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a sobering report on the devastating impacts our world will face with 1.5° Celsius of warming — let alone 2°C — while setting out the emissions trajectory the nations of the world need to take if we are to have any shot at keeping to that 1.5°C limit. This 10th edition of the annual fossil fuel finance report card, greatly expanded in scope, reveals the paths banks have taken in the past three years since the Paris Agreement was adopted, and finds that overall bank financing continues to be aligned with climate disaster.

Monday, May 6, 2019


Large banks are driving climate change by pumping billions of dollars into carbon-intensive extreme fossil fuels and tropical deforestation, with significant hidden environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. While banks report their operational emissions, emissions resulting from their financing activities can be 100x larger1 and are typically undisclosed. Climate change can have enormous financial implications, as recognized in the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published in June 2017. “Responsible Investment” indexes such as the MSCI ACWI Low Carbon Target Index deceptively classify banks as “low-carbon” even as they heavily finance dangerous new carbon emissions (see below). The Paris Climate Agreement goal of keeping temperature rise to 1.5˚C won’t be achievable if banks and investors continue to fund and facilitate the burning and destruction of high-carbon assets. It’s time for banks to fully disclose the carbon footprint of their financing, decarbonize their portfolios, and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon future (see Recommendations in the back).


Thursday, April 11, 2019


Ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia terjadi kecepatan yang sangat tinggi, dan telah menciptakan masalah lingkungan dan sosial yang serius: sejumlah hutan yang bernilai tinggi dikonversi menjadi perkebunan; habitat satwa yang dilindungi terancam punah, emisi gas rumah kaca yang signifikan disebabkan oleh alih fungsi lahan gambut, dan banyak masyarakat kehilangan akses terhadap tanah yang sangat penting untuk keberlangsungan hidup mereka dan yang telah mereka miliki secara turun-temurun.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


The world is at last beginning to tackle its fossil fuel addiction. Coal is no longer competitive, and wind farms and solar installations are gathering pace – in Australia, northern Europe, China, India and elsewhere. Electric mobility and ride sharing are redefining transport, especially in cities tired of breathing dirty air. Huge strides in energy efficiency are being made.
The problem, as the science here is telling us, is that we’re not making the change nearly as quickly as we need to. This is of course not new – it’s an almost carbon copy of what we were told last year, and the years before that. But what we do have is yet more compelling science, and something that adds to that provided by the 1.5 degree report recently released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Monday, March 11, 2019


Pestisida sangat banyak digunakan secara global dalam produksi makanan, serat dan kayu, dalam pengelolaan tanah masyarakat, dan dalam pengendalian serangga-serangga pembawa penyakit dan hama-hama rumah tangga dan kebun. Masyarakat belekangan ini semakin tergantung pada penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia dalam pengendalian serangga yang tidak dikehendaki, gulma, jamur dan binatang penggangu lainnya. Penggunaan pestisida yang tidak rasional telah terbukti ikut menimbulkan masalah terhadap ekosistem.


            There are many strategies that farmers, businesses, and consumers can adopt to reduce greenhouse gases related to agriculture. First, farmers can replace fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel with biofuels such as ethanol or biodiesel. Ethanol is a fuel alcohol that is produced by a fermentation process that uses yeast to convert the sugars found in plants into a combustible alcohol fuel. Ethanol can offset varying amounts of fossil fuel–generated carbon dioxide depending on the material used to produce the ethanol. For example, Brazil, located in a tropical climate, can efficiently grow sugarcane. Sugarcane is an excellent source material for ethanol because the sugars in sugarcane can be easily converted into alcohol. In the United States, corn is the primary feedstock for ethanol. It is more costly to convert corn into sugar because the sugars are bound up in long starch molecules. These carbohydrates must be broken down in order to free up the sugars to be converted into alcohol. Therefore, researchers in the United States are working hard to discover ways to lower the costs of producing corn-based ethanol.


Given that crops and livestock thrive in a relatively narrow set of environmental parameters, it makes sense to explore how climate change will affect agricultural productivity. Factors considered include the impacts of rising temperatures, increased production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, water supply fluctuations, soil quality variations, sea-level increases, and the introduction of new pests, diseases, and weeds, which could hurt agricultural output. These changes can have different impacts depending on the geographic scale of analysis. Climatic change will have different manifestations at local, regional, and global scales. Impacts will also vary according to the agricultural products under consideration. Some plant or animal species may be very resilient to environmental changes. Others may not adapt so well to change.


While agriculture is affected by climate change, agricultural processes also contribute directly and indirectly to global warming. This occurs for many reasons. A direct contribution is agriculture’s reliance on the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and propane to power farm equipment, including tractors, combines, grain elevators, grain dryers, and transport trucks for shipping feed and livestock. Agriculture also relies on petrochemicals in the form of herbicides and pesticides. Estimates suggest that agriculture uses 8 percent of all energy consumed in the United States.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Interaksi toksikan/pencemar dengan organisme dapat dinyatakan sebagai proses toksikokinetik, yaitu proses uptake toksikan/pencemar, dilanjutkan proses distribusi, metabolisme, dan penyimpanan dalam tubuh organisme serta ekskresi dari tubuh organisme tersebut. Proses tersebut menarik untuk dipelajari karena menentukan tingkat safety dan risk suatu toksikan/pencemar. Sedangkan interaksi polutan dengan sel, jaringan atau organ, dalam bentuk respon toksik dinyatakan sebagai toksikodinamik.
Secara umum, proses pencemaran dapat terjadi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Secara langsung yaitu bahan pencemar tersebut langsung berdampak meracuni sehingga mengganggu kesehatan manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan atau mengganggu keseimbangan ekologis baik air, udara maupun tanah. Proses tidak langsung, yaitu beberapa zat kimia bereaksi di udara, air maupun tanah, sehingga menyebabkan pencemaran.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


A critical environmental education consists of developing, not only among youth, but the population in general, the capacities to analyze educational propositions regarding the environment and dominant environmental discourses to decode hidden ideological orientations, the beliefs and interests that direct them, and which implicitly tend to reproduce the practices that are nevertheless the ones that would be necessary to shift to a different kind of relationship between nature and human beings. The reference to science and technological transfers as the main answer to defining and correcting the problem is insufficient to correct a situation that requires that humans also question the philosophic foundations, sociological, political, and economic dimensions of the regulation of climate. To reproduce the same economic logic is denounced by many as incapable of correcting the shameless exploitation of nature and human beings that are at the heart of the environmental crisis.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


All laboratories that use chemicals inevitably produce chemical waste that must be properly disposed of. It is crucial to minimize both the toxicity and the amount of chemical waste that is generated. A waste management and reduction policy that conforms to State and local regulations should be established by the school or school district. Several things that can be done to minimize hazards, waste generation, and control costs follow:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Environmental chemistry is the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in the water, air, terrestrial, and living environments and the effects of human activities thereon. Some idea of the complexity of environmental chemistry as a discipline may be realized by examining, which indicates the interchange of chemical species among various environmental spheres. Throughout an environmental system there are variations in temperature, mixing, intensity of solar radiation, input of materials, and various other factors that strongly influence chemical conditions and behavior. Because of its complexity, environmental chemistry must be approached with simplified models. This chapter presents an overview of environmental chemistry


In order to understand toxicological chemistry, it is necessary to have some understanding of the environmental context in which toxicological chemical phenomena occur. This in turn requiresan understanding of the broader picture of environmental science and environmental chemistry,which are addressed in this chapter. Also needed is an understanding of how environmentalchemicals interact with organisms and their ecosystems, as addressed by the topic of ecotoxicology.
Environmental science can be defined as the study of the earth, air, water, and living environments, and the effects of technology thereon.1 To a significant degree, environmental science hasevolved from investigations of the ways by which, and places in which, living organisms carry outtheir life cycles. This is the discipline of natural history, which in recent times has evolved intoecology, the study of environmental factors that affect organisms and how organisms interact withthese factors and with each other.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Alberta’s tar sands (also known as oil sands) are the world’s third-largest reserves of recoverable crude oil.60 Though it is expensive to extract, this oil fetches a much lower price than other heavy oils due to the difculty in getting the landlocked tar sands to the United States and other potential markets. Thus, tar sands companies are desperate to promote new and expanded pipelines. The need for new pipeline capacity is particularly acute as companies ramp up production at projects that were started several years ago, while still planning new projects, such as Teck Resources’ massive Frontier Mine.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Enbridge’s Line 3 so-called “replacement” project is a proposal for a new pipeline that would cover more than 1,000 miles from Hardisty, Alberta, to Superior, Wisconsin, transporting an average of 760,000 barrels of crude oil from the Alberta tarsands each day, with capacity for 844,000 barrels per day.
Enbridge intends to abandon its existing Line 3 pipeline if it is able to complete its new Line 3, leaving the corroding pipe in the ground and a lasting legacy of contamination. The replacement Line 3 would take a brand new route. This path cuts through pristine wetlands and watersheds in northern Minnesota, passing through the headwaters of the Mississippi River to the shores of Lake Superior, through the heart of Minnesota’s lake country and some of the largest and most productive wild rice beds in the world.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Alaska Native rights and Indigenous sovereignty cannot be separated from the problem of extreme oil and gas production in Alaska. Politicians and oil interests have a long history of pushing legislation nullifying Alaska Native land claims, especially those claims that stood in the way of oil and pipeline development.
After being declared a state in 1958, Alaska selected for oil development tracts of land on the North Slope, in an area called Prudhoe Bay. Without consultation and consent of the local Inupiat village, but with approval of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, these lands were transferred to the state.

Friday, December 14, 2018


The global coal mining sector is under pressure like never before. An increasing number of analysts and industry watchers (including at Goldman Sachs175) are declaring that thermal coal has now entered structural, rather than cyclical, decline. Coal mining companies have to contend with the fact that six countries, states, provinces, or cities have completely phased out coal power since 2014, and an additional 17 haveannounced a coal power phase-out date of 2030 or sooner. Among them are three G7 countries, eight EU countries, and Beijing and Delhi — all committed to becoming coal-free. Also in 2017, South Korea, the world’s fourth largest coal importer, announced a major reduction in its coal power reliance, a move that has dire implications for Indonesian coal producers in particular.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The torrential downpours and violent winds of Hurricane Harvey struck Houston, Texas in August and September 2017. Harvey killed at least 68 people and displaced over one million,leaving approximately 200,000 damaged homes along its 300- mile trail. Damages from the hurricane tallied an estimated $125 billion. The aftermath is still being felt through the region.
Environmental racism exacerbates the pain caused by natural disasters by disproportionately aecting low-income communities of color close to industrial sites. In the wake of Harvey, these communities were exposed to increased levels of toxic chemicals from Houston’s superfund sites, chemical plants, and oil refneries during the storms. Houston is an industrial hub with a busy ship channel, in a state that’s home to 30 percent of the country’s oil refning capacity. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, Hurricane Harvey causeddamaged refneries and chemical facilities to release nearly sixmillion pounds of cancer-causing chemicals into the air.