Litter is waste material dumped in public places such as streets, parks,
picnic areas, bus stops, and near shops.The accumulation of waste threatens the
health of people in residential areas. Waste decays, encourages household
pests, and turns urban areas into unsightly, dirty, and unhealthy places to
live in. The following measures can be used to control land pollution.
Antilitter campaigns can educate people against littering, organic waste can be
dumped in places far from residential areas, and inorganic materials such as
metals, glass, paper, and plastic can be reclaimed and recycled.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Solar energy refers to forms of energy emitted by the sun, including
light, radio waves, and x-rays. Accounting for 99.8 percent of the mass in our
solar system, the sun is a self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction by which hydrogen
is converted to helium. Every second, the sun converts over 4 million metric
tons of matter into solar energy. This matter is converted and released from
the sun in the form of radiation waves that travel through the void of space
and eventually reach earth. The radiant energy that eventually reaches the
earth’s surface is estimated around 1,000 watts per sq. m. The sun is similar
to a fusion reactor that emits 3,800 million, million, million, million watts
of energy each second, which is 20,000 times the energy requirement of the
Monday, May 28, 2018
Sesuai dengan asal katanya dari bahasa Inggris, yaitu vertical dan culture, maka vertikultur adalah sistem budidaya pertanian yang
dilakukan secara vertikal atau bertingkat, baik indoor maupun outdoor. Sistem
budidaya pertanian secara vertikal atau bertingkat ini merupakan konsep
penghijauan yang cocok untuk daerah perkotaan dan lahan terbatas. Misalnya,
lahan 1 meter mungkin hanya bisa untuk menanam 5 batang tanaman, dengan sistem
vertikal bisa untuk 20 batang tanaman. Vertikultur tidak hanya sekadar kebun
vertikal, namun ide ini akan merangsang seseorang untuk menciptakan khasanah
biodiversitas di pekarangan yang sempit sekalipun. Struktur vertikal,
memudahkan pengguna membuat dan memeliharanya. Pertanian vertikultur tidak
hanya sebagai sumber pangan tetapi juga menciptakan suasana alami yang
Friday, May 25, 2018
The relationship between tourism and global warming is a paradoxical one:
global warming has become a threat to tourism, yet tourism remains a major
cause of global warming. Tis vicious circle is well known to all stakeholders of
the tourism industry, but implementing meaningful change has proven difficult
because of three types of resistance: politico economic resistance (from
policymakers in regions and countries that rely heavily on tourism as a source
of income), commercial resistance (from the tourism industry itself), and
sociocultural resistance (from tourists who are not ready to change their
Monday, May 21, 2018
There are many ways in which chemistry has helped to reduce CO2
emissions and helped adaptation to a changing climate. Iron fertilization experiments aim to reduce the concentration of atmospheric
CO2 by promoting the growth of phytoplankton in oligotrophic regions of the
ocean, where primary production is supposedly limited by the iron supply, such
as in the Southern Ocean. Some paleontology researchers have shown a link
between large quantities of iron in the air and the onset of ice ages. On frst
discovering of this, according to J.H. Martin and S.E. Fitzwater, the lead
oceanographer in the project commented on the strong link between iron and
planetary temperature saying, “Give me a half a tanker of iron and I’ll give
you the next ice age.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Global warming is a term that is used to refer to an increase in
Earth’s average surface temperature. It is due mostly to the release of
greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere by human-fuelled activities such as
increased fossil fuel consumption leading to the release of carbon dioxide (CO2),
the increasing use of automobiles, the use of nitrogen base fertilizers,and
rearing and breeding large methane-belching cattle. Greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, halocarbons (chlorofluorocarbons and
hydrofluorocarbons), methane, and ozone have the capability of absorbing
infrared radiation
the Earth’s surface, thereby altering the heat balance of the Earth.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Minyak sawit adalah
minyak nabati yang dapat dikonsumsi, memiliki lemak jenuh tinggi yang berasal
dari buah pohon kelapa sawit Afrika. Minyak sawit dan turunannya dipergunakan dalam
berbagai macam produk yang dijual di Amerika Serikat dan di seluruh dunia
seperti kue, biskuit, cokelat, sereal dan kue untuk sarapan, tepung kue siap saji,
donat, keripik kentang, mie instan, manisan dan makanan beku, susu formula,
margarin, deterjen, sabun, dan produk perawatan pribadi lainnya. Minyak sawit
ditemukan di hampir setengah dari semua produk-produk dalam kemasan yang dijual
di toko kelontong.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The greenhouse effect
likewise amplifes the effect of the Sun’s radiation.
Greenhouse gases—carbondioxide (CO2), methane, and water vapor are
examples—trap sunlight in the atmosphere. Without any greenhouse gases, sunlight
would pass through the atmosphere and strike Earth, which would absorb a
portion of the sunlight. (Land absorbs less sunlight than water.) The rest
would rebound from Earth as infrared radiation, passing out of the atmosphere
and into space. Greenhouse gases do not, however, permit infrared radiation to
pass into space, but rather absorb it as heat, in turn heating the atmosphere.
Of the greenhouse gases, methane breaks down in the atmosphere after a few
decades. CO2, however, may linger centuries in the atmosphere.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Impacts from the phenomenon
known as global warming include environmental, social, and economic effects.
Environmental impacts include sea-level rise, melting of the polar ice caps,
and an average increase in temperature. These impacts are documented in the
reports of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), which
commissions reports by scientists worldwide on the issue of climate change. The
IPCC Report of 2007 is the first one that reflects scientific consensus that
global warming is underway, and that it is primarily human induced. For example,
human activities, such as fossil fuel burning, land-use changes, agricultural activity,
and the production and use of halocarbons are among the factors causing climate
change. The economic report by Nicholas Stern in 2007 highlights that climate
change has potentially disastrous consequences for humanity.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Pengerusakan hutan hujan, perampasan tanah rakyat dan masyarakat adat,
juga emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) besarbesaran akibat pengeringan dan pembakaran
lahan gambut demi diproduksinya Conflict
Palm Oil (Minyak Sawit yang Bermasalah), terus menjadi sorotan utama dunia
internasional dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Namun, kondisi kerja dan
kehidupan buruh perkebunan kelapa sawit hampir tidak pernah dikaji atau pun
didiskusikan secara mendalam.
Karena buruh tinggal di daerah yang terisolir secara geografis dengan
mobilitas sosial maupun ekonomi yang sangat terbatas, kisah mereka terkubur di
dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit yang terletak di wilayah terpencil di mana mereka
hidup dan bekerja. Akan tetapi, belakangan ini semakin banyak laporan dari
masyarakat sipil, peneliti independen dan wartawan investigasi yang menguak
tabir persoalan yang dihadapi buruh kelapa sawit. Laporan-laporan tersebut
menyoroti pola pelanggaran hak-hak buruh yang berat di perkebunan kelapa sawit
di berbagai belahan dunia.
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